10 Newtons of weight is applied to the probe
The weight on the probe is 1000 +/- 50 grams. For repeatable measurements, it is important to keep the probe perpendicular to the surface being measured.
The probe has been developed to represent the face of a newborn infant. It is based on the work of Dr. Erin Mannen's BabiLab at Boise State University. The central "nose" has been added to permit all types of surfaces to be evaluated.
Please contact us at info@breathmeter.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Soft sleep surfaces and infant products are known to be a potential factor for the occurrence of respiratory hazards. These hazards include airflow resistance and carbon dioxide rebreathing. The breathing model and CO2 analyzer provide a method of measuring the relative tendency of surfaces to retain exhaled breath and return it to the infant, leading to reduced oxygen and excessive CO2 delivery, a hazard.
The breathing machine models a sleeping infant. The respiratory rate and tidal volume are fixed and the probe models the face of an infant. Carbon dioxide is metered into the operating lung at a rate that models an infant’s rate of metabolism, resulting in a system that breathes oxygen in and carbon dioxide out, just like a live infant.
When the probe is applied to a sleep surface, the level of CO2 rebreathing can be measured accurately and repeatably.
Breathmeter is based on a design developed at the US Consumer Product Safety Commission in 1979. (see references below) Carleton, Porter and Donahue published a paper describing the breathing machine and analyzer. Breathmeter uses the same breathing rate, tidal volume, residual volume and measurement technique as Carleton.
The probe was developed By Dr. Erin Mannen’s BabiLab at Boise State University. The removable “nose” on the probe permits rebreathing measurements on all surfaces.
When live infants are stressed by a respiratory hazard, they tend to compensate by adjusting their breathing rate, tidal volume and heart rate, attempting to maintain homeostasis. The model does not compensate, and its measurement results may over or under-represent those of a live infant.
In general, a low level of CO2 is preferred. The hazard excessive CO2 depends on the concentration, the duration of exposure, the underlying condition of the infant, air movement in the sleeping environment and other environmental factors.
1. J. N. Carleton, A.M. Donoghue, and W. K. Porter, “Mechanical Model Testing of Rebreathing Potential in Infant Bedding Materials,” Archives of Disease in Childhood 78, no. 4 (April 1998): 323–328, https://doi.org/10.1136/adc.78.4.323
2. M. D. Leshner, “Forensic Engineering Evaluation of CO2 Re-breathing in Infant Bedding Materials,” Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers 29, no. 2 (December 2012): 23–30, https://doi.org/10.51501/jotnafe.v29i2.771
3. M. R. Maltese and M. D. Leshner, “Carbon Dioxide Rebreathing Induced by Crib Bumpers and Mesh Liners Using an Infant Manikin,” BMJ Paediatrics Open 3, no. 1 (April 2019): e000374, https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjpo-2018-000374
4. M.D. Leshner, “Thermal Rebreathing Model for Evaluation of Infant Bedding Materials”, ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Volume 50, Issue 3, 25 February 2022. DOI: 10.1520/JTE20210736
5. Best Practice Guide for the Design of Safe Sleeping Environments, A GUIDE FOR INDUSTRY TO REDUCE THE RISK OF DEATH AND LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES IN INFANTS. https://www.productsafety.gov.au/about-us/publications/best-practice-guide-for-the-design-of-safe-infant-sleeping-environments
6. Erin M. Mannen, et. al, “Pillows Product Characterization and Testing”, https://www.cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/Pillows-Product-Characterization-and-Testing-Final-Report-with-CPSC-Staff-Statement.pdf?VersionId=omVlmybShqzcQM4GQzepWSlz.s_iOxNC
Rebreathing Test Method Draft Breathmeter2 (pdf)