Use the provided external12 volt DC 10 amp power supply, or equivalent.
Clamp the stand to the edge of a table or bench and position the ring at the end of the horizontal rod to hold the probe in a vertical orientation. Position the height of the horizontal arm to accommodate the specimen under study. The probe produces a force of 10 Newtons +/- 0.2 (980 to1020 grams on the scale).
Connect the probe to the breathing machine using 40 cm of tubing with 6 mm inside diameter. The volume of this tube will influence the measurement.
Note: Longer tubing can be accommodated by adjusting the CO2 flow. The small port on the probe can be used for etCO2 monitoring, if desired. Otherwise, it should be capped off.
Connect the power supply and switch the power on. Adjust the breathing rate to the desired value, using the adjustment on the back of the analyzer. (Nominal = 44/minute)
The baseline measurement is established with the probe breathing freely. This can be achieved by elevating the probe at least 25 mm above any surface. A clamp on the probe stalk is provided for holding the probe in an elevated position.
Connect the gas regulator to the cylinder using the little plastic gasket – make sure the gasket is in there – and tighten securely using a large wrench. The regulator can remain on the CO2 cylinder until the cylinder needs to be exchanged.
Close the little valve at the outlet of the regulator.
Open the valve at the top of the CO2 cylinder and set the outlet pressure to approximately 0.5 Bar. (Not critical). You can lock the regulator at that pressure using the locking ring on the regulator.
Connect the regulator output to the “CO2 IN” port on the right side of the analyzer. Diameter and length of the tubing will not influence the measurement – it just needs to fit the connections without leaking.
Switch on the analyzer.
Open the little valve at the outlet of the gas regulator. Open two full turns.
Using the control valve at the bottom of the flowmeter, set the flow to approximately 60 ml/min. If the valve has been adjusted previously, it will retain its adjustment.
The meter displays the CO2 volume % concentration, measured in the lung. The CO2 indication takes time to stabilize. Wait for the indication to remain stable for at least a minute before making any adjustments to the flow.
Breathing freely, the expected baseline measurement is between 3.75 and 4% CO2. Small adjustments of the CO2 flow will be required to bring the measurement into this range. Make very small incremental adjustments and wait a minute to see the result.
When the CO2 supply is shut off and later re-started, the flowmeter valve should retain its adjustment. Small corrections may still be required each time the power is switched on and the CO2 supply restored.
Set the probe onto the test material in the vertical orientation, allowing gravity to apply the 10 Newton load. Adjust the stand to maintain the probe stalk in the vertical orientation.
Expect the measurement to slowly increase and become stable. Wait for the indication to remain stable for at least a minute before recording.
When measurements are completed, close the CO2 cylinder and outlet valve and switch off the power.
Note: Once set, the gas pressure, breathing rate and CO2 flowrate adjustments can be left in place. Next time the power is switched on and CO2 cylinder valve and outlet valve opened, the analyzer will be “tuned in” and ready to use.
Analog output - 0 to 5 VDC for 0 to 20% CO2.
Digital output: UART compatible with GASLAB software
Download here:
Using the port on the left side of the analyzer, inject a low flow rate (<1 LPM) of calibration gas and wait for the output to become steady. Note the input gas concentration and analyzer output. Nitrogen may be used to check the zero calibration.
If the output is inexact and requires adjustment, please see more detailed instructions for programming the panel meter.